The success of the application whether it be general use or trace-metal analysis, requires the use of the correct acid quality. KTEC stocks acids in reagent grade that meet or exceed ACS specifications and provide exceptional quality and value, as well as high-purity (parts per million) and ultra-high purity grade (parts per billion and parts per trillion) for sensitive and critical applications.

Simple calibration buffers with consistent specifications across all pH ranges to precision reference buffers. KTEC offers quality buffers that are NIST traceable for consistent and reliable performance.

Cleaning detergents and solutions for manufacturing facilities, laboratories, industrial applications, critical cleaning processes, and general cleaning.

Acetone, Acetonitrile, Alcohol, Cyclohexane, Dichloromethane, Isopropanol, Methanol, Toluene, and Xylene. All of the solvents KTEC offers are available in a variety of grades for traditional applications to the most critical applications.

Volumetric Solutions
Wide range of high-quality solutions and standards for research, regulatory, and quality assurance applications.

ACS/ASTM Reagent Water, Deionized Water, Distilled Water, HPLC Water, and Water purifying systems.
- Chemtronics
- Permabond
- 3M
- Alconox
- CRC Industries
- EMD Millipore
- Honeywell Burdick & Jackson
- Labchem
- Ricca Chemical Company
- GFS Chemicals, Inc.
- Bransonic Ultrasonic
- Dow Corning Corporation
- International Products Corp